I used to think that I needed to change…me. Everywhere. All over. Inside and out. I was loud. Very energetic. I hugged too much. I made people uncomfortable because of who I was. I had few friends and many acquaintances.
I really did not give much thought to the me that I was. Why would I? Because that was just the way I was, right?
When I was a kid we went to church every Sunday. I went to Sunday school. I had to memorize things. I was Confirmed. We had a Bible on the coffee table. Did I have ANY idea what any of that meant – NO! God. Jesus. Holy Ghost. Way too much for my childhood to 13 year old brain.
Fast forward 37 years….when I discovered Jesus. Not the Jesus of the world or the Jesus of my childhood or the Jesus of others. No. I discovered MY personal Jesus and my thought process about everything changed. From how I looked at marriage, motherhood, money, and choices. But, I think the most important thing that changed were my thoughts about me.
I discovered that God created me…as me. I discovered that I was loved. Worthy. Enough. I was His. A child of the King…which made me a princess. A royal princess. I was good enough.
And through that discovery of me, God showed me all the things about myself that were glorifying to Him…and asked me to eliminate or change all of the things that were not. Because all of the things I did not like about me…were NOT glorifying to Him. They were of the world and not of God…funny how both of those things lined up, right?
And through time those changes have been made. God is patient…He waited for me…with little nudges along the way.
I also realized that my self-worth does not come from others. MY self-worth comes from God. YOUR self-worth comes from God.
It does not matter what others think about me….as long as I am aligning my thoughts and actions to the thoughts and actions of God…I am JUST AS HE WANTS ME TO BE. The exact same holds true for you too.
That old adage ‘sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me’ is bogus, don't you agree? Names do hurt. Humans can hurt with their words and actions.
When those hurts are being thrown at you, I would like to implore you to hang onto who God says you are. You ARE valuable. You ARE beautiful. You ARE incredible. You ARE miraculous. You ARE amazing. You ARE wonderful. Because how can you NOT be any of those things when you are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:27.
I have a few more posts that might help you out. Check out:
Who Does God Say You Are?
Do You Feel Worthy?
Nothing is Impossible With God
In the meantime – grab these FREE Bible verses. I have called them ‘Scripture to Hang Onto While Fighting for Your Life.' Because you are in a battle…the battle for YOUR self-worth.
And sometimes, when you are overwhelmed, stress sets in.
And when stress sets in it is sometimes difficult to be happy or joyful. So, please don’t let stress have the last word!
Go on and take a look at the ‘Top 5 Stress Reducers’ (Action Plan included). So that you can eliminate what causes you stress and get on the path of living a joyful life.
Joyful Living is ALL about not letting let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are. You learn to choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!
To begin, go ahead and read: