Are you like me? Do you want an answer or solution to everything? Every problem, challenge or thought process? Do you think and ponder over big things…and small things as well?
Do the things that you wonder about stress you out? Create fear? Make you anxious?
Now, I don’t actually sit and ponder…but I do wonder. I wonder about many things. And most things I wonder about may, or may not, have a solution. Here are a few:
When I ask myself those questions I am wondering, not only if there is a solution. I am also wondering what the solution might be. Because questions without answers never get put in motion or solved, don’t you agree?
How can I ensure that I have enough money for retirement?
How can I make sure my kids don't move away?
How can I know if Covid will come back next year?
How can I make sure I don't get Covid?
How do I know if my readers will resonate with this post?
How do I know if a house is a good investment?
How can broken relationships be repaired?
How do I know if my dip recipe is any good?
When looking at the questions that begin with ‘How” it becomes clear that the solution to everything comes under 2 categories:
These are all of the things that I can do and control. ALL of the things that I can do something about. I can make a plan, stick to the plan, and eventually reach my goals. Which leads me to the solution.
1). Not sure how much money to save for retirement? Well, that really depends on how long you live, right? So, you just need to consistently save and save. And, when you retire add it up and that amount of money will determine your lifestyle. Or, determine your lifestyle 1st…and then save to meet that goal. (this really comes under both categories…because how long you live is out of your control).
2). Will my 7 Layer Dip be any good? I can Google ‘7 Layer Dip’ and find the 5 star recipes and choose 1.
3). Will my daughter ever contact me again? I have NO control over that….but I can write her a letter. Which would be the 1st step to mending fences.
4). Will my kids move far away so that I only see them once a year? Again, I have NO control over their moving. But, I can make sure that I see them as often as I can while they are local. I can also make sure that I am an encourager and a friend – not a meddler and a nuisance.
1). Will Covid come back next year? We have NO control over this at all. We can get vaccinated if we want. We can either stay home or go out…it really depends on what you believe about the virus.
2). Is the house you want to buy a good investment? You can do your due diligence. Get an inspection and an appraisal. You can drive around the neighborhood and ensure that the other houses are in good condition. You can make sure you are not spending too much on the house. If all of those boxes are ticked off…buy the house. You have NO control over the future value of the house. Just live in it and enjoy it while you own it.
3). Will my blog post resonate with you? I have NO control over that. I write from my heart and hope for the best.
As you can see…it really depends on the question. Make a list. Separate those questions into the 2 categories above. Figure out…find the solution to ALL of the things within your control. Take action on those items if you can.
For all of the things not in your control? Don't let those questions overwhelm you. Or create fear in you or make you anxious. Because…there is NOTHING you can do, right? Just take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, calm your beating heart…and live.
Live for today…tomorrow is another day.
You can definitely apply the ‘In Your Control/Out of Your Control' principle to any fear or anxiety. You can read about that right HERE.
And sometimes, when you are overwhelmed, stress sets in.
And when stress sets in it is sometimes difficult to be happy or joyful. So, please don’t let stress have the last word!
Go on and take a look at the ‘Top 5 Stress Reducers’ (Action Plan included). So that you can eliminate what causes you stress and get on the path of living a joyful life.
Joyful Living is ALL about not letting let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are. You learn to choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!
To begin, go ahead and read: