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Do anxiety and fear have a way of just taking over? Taking over your thought process? Your daily actions? Your life? Are you trying to figure out how to overcome anxiety and fear?
Now, some fears are good for you. Fear of getting hit by a car when crossing on a green light…encourages you to wait for the red. Fear of a fire…encourages you to get a smoke alarm and turn off all burners. Fear of failing an exam…encourages you to study more and get help.
Then there are the fears that are non-emergency, non-threatening, situations. Like going on a 1st date, giving a speech, taking an exam, going to a party or starting a new job. Those fears are not life threatening but fearful nonetheless.
And then there are the anxiety ridden fears. These fears can become so overwhelming that you might want to avoid all situations that might make you anxious. Hence, you are afraid to go anywhere or do anything. Which prevents you from living your life.
I wrote 2 posts trying to address the fear issue and hopefully soothe a few aching hearts. One is ‘Bible Verses for Fear, Worry and Anxiety‘ and the other is ‘Prayers to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Stress.'
I receive so many emails and prayer requests from both of those posts. Heart wrenching prayer requests. I write all of the requests in a journal and pray for everyone who asks me to pray for them.
But, just because I don't understand it does not mean that I don't empathize with those who have it.
My sister suffers from severe anxiety. I watch her engage with others and then something happens. For no apparent reason she becomes a puddle of anxiety. Her mind is overcome with fears. Fears that she really can't even put a name too. She says it is just ‘fears of everything.' She also says that she has no idea why they happen.
It is heart breaking for me to see. I don't know what to do. I really can't help. So, I hold her hand, rub her back, and let her know that she is not alone.
Some (or all) of the following might happen.
Now, I am not going into the psychology of fear and anxiety. I will leave that to the experts, for sure.
Now, you might need to get professional help. Find someone you can talk to that can draw out your fears. Figure out all of those anxiety ridden thoughts. Thoughts you may not even know that you have.
But, in the meantime. I would like to offer an exercise that might help you. I suggest it to everyone who sends me a prayer request and most have said it is very helpful. This will only be beneficial to you if you are TRUTHFUL AND HONEST WITH YOURSELF.
Here is an example:
Let's say you are living with someone. That relationship was perfect at first. But, through the years he has changed and is not the right guy for you. But, because you are afraid of being alone, you choose to put up with all of the bad behavior and not say anything to him. The reality of this thought process is that you aren't even aware that this is how you feel. You cover up the bad behavior with reasonable excuses. And live as if all is fine and good. This may or may not cause fear and anxiety in you. It is just one drip in your glass of anxiety. But, in the meantime, you are afraid to mention the bad behavior…because what if he leaves?! And since you are afraid of being alone…and round and round the hamster wheel you go!
Remember, there are many different types of fears. Anxiety is just one of them.
Now, look at that list and separate into the 2 categories, ‘in my control' and ‘out of my control' – here are some examples:
Once you have your 2 lists take a look at them.
Those are all things you have control over. Or, control over some things. Do the work necessary to control what you can control. Write down the actions that YOU need to take. Once you do, hopefully you will realize that you have NO reason for fear because you are in control, right?
Those are the things that you have NO control over. Those are the things that you let go of and give to God. He will determine the outcome…not you. Take a deep breath and know that He has your back. Because if God is for you, who can be against you.
If you are like me, and like pretty lists, go on and grab this FREE download (NO sign up required) ‘How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear PDF'. It's pretty cute.
And, DON'T FORGET to come back and grab your FREE Prayer Cards too – click on the banner below.
Need some extra help? Check out the following posts:
Nothing is Impossible with God
What is Worry and Where Does it Come From?
Who Does God Say I Am?
Do You Feel Worthy?
Bible Verses for Fear, Worry and Anxiety
Prayers to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Stress
How to Decrease Anxiety – FREE Download (no sign up required)
Need more help? Unable to cope – click this link: Mental Health Foundation They can help.
Feeling suicidal – call 911!
Especially when your are anxious or fearful.
And sometimes, when you are overwhelmed, stress sets in.
And when stress sets in it is sometimes difficult to be happy or joyful. So, please don’t let stress have the last word!
Go on and take a look at the ‘Top 5 Stress Reducers’ (Action Plan included). So that you can eliminate what causes you stress and get on the path of living a joyful life.
Don't let let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are? Choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!
A few Joyful Living posts for you to read!