Life has been pretty crazy lately, don’t you agree? There is weather. And a pandemic. And voting. And opinions. And people. There is just so much that it just makes my head spin!
And with all of that comes the overwhelm. The feeling that you just can’t face another day. And then the stress creeps in. Maybe you even ask yourself – What the heck? This is NOT what I signed up for? Where did all the joy go?
So, how do you reclaim your joyful life? How do you reclaim your joy in the face of a difficult or stressful situation?
5 Ways to Reclaim Your Joy
First –
Take a break from the situation or thought process. Do something totally different. Something that not only occupies you physically but occupies your mind as well. Go for a walk. Watch a video. Call a friend to chat (NOT to complain).
When you remove yourself from the situation you give your mind a chance for a reset. A chance to move onto something else. A chance for you to reclaim your joy.
Second –
Grab your Daily Gratitude Journal (located in the Joyful Living Toolbox) and write down what you ARE grateful for. What you are thankful for. Keep writing until you can’t think of one more thing. You might find out that there are more things to be grateful for than you realized.
When you fill your mind with gratitude and thankfulness everything else takes a back seat. This daily activity is a sure fire way for you to move past the negatives and onto reclaiming your joy.
Third –
Take a hard look at the situation that is stealing your joy. Can you do anything about it? Meaning…is it in your control?
If it is…what can YOU do to change it? How can you fix it?
If it is not…let it go. If you can NOT change it do NOT let it change you. When you look the joy stealer square in the face…and call a spade a spade…it loses its hold over you and your thoughts. When the hold is released you can begin to reclaim your joy.
And, if you are a follower of Jesus, you need to let it go and let God do what he is going to do.
Fourth –
Take time for you. Besides taking a break from the situation…take care of you. Take a hot bath. Give yourself a facial. Do your nails. Meditate. Journal your thoughts. Find something that will help you relax. And when your shoulders are no longer next to your ears you know you are on your way to reclaiming your joy.
I think that sometimes we are so busy taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. Don't forget you.
Fifth –
And, believe it or not, now is the time for you to put your ‘big girl panties' on. To take a deep breath and choose joy. Joy is not a natural reaction in the face of difficult and trying circumstances. Joy is a choice that YOU make. It is when you say ‘Situation you will NOT be the boss of me!'
That does not mean that you can't be sad, unhappy or frustrated. What it DOES mean is this – you choose YOU over all that is happening around you.
What is Joyful Living all about?
Joyful Living is ALL about not letting let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are. You learn to choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!