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NO idea where to begin? This easy budget planner is for you

Easy Budget Plan

Learn about the power of compound interest!


Find out the mistakes. You can have financial independence!


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Personal Finance Guides and Cheat Sheets

older woman reading a book with a magnifying glass. She is sitting at a table. There is a long viney plant growing behind her | saving for retirement | Positively Jane

You worked your whole life…so that you can kick back and enjoy those ‘golden years.’ You have a list of ALL of the things you want to do…

computer on a desk with a number wall behind it | budgeting for beginners | Positively Jane

Now, a budget is one of the most important things you can have for yourself and your family. Setting up and using a budget has many benefits.

debt to income ratio | girls counting money with calculator

Full confession…I never knew what a debt-to-income ratio was until recently. Not sure why that is…maybe it is because I have no debt. And, as retired people, our income is on the lower scale of incomes. PLUS, I am not trying to buy any new purchases that are large.

white mug with a polar bear wearing a red and white scarf surrounded by cookies | Christmas on a Budget 2| 5 Ways To Start Saving Now | Positively Jane

Does the holiday season seem to catch you off guard…every single year, even though Christmas is December 25 EVERY YEAR?

girl holding a snowball in her hand that is in the shape of a heart

Struggling to pay off debt? Ready to get those credit card balances to ZERO. Ready to have cash in the back and stop the ‘I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go’ song?

girl sitting on computer paying with a credit card

Do you have credit card debt? How about other debt? Wouldn’t you just love to pay off those bills, stop paying interest, and have extra cash in YOUR wallet?

man and woman sitting on a bench arguing

So, how do you, as a couple, mesh your different thought processes together and agree. Because agreement is really important here. 80% of the root cause of all divorces is money.

girl holding a fan of money in front of her face | purpose of a budget

The purpose of a budget…is an opportunity for you to plan ahead financially, create and organize your financial goals, and track your spending habits. ALL of this happens so that you can improve your financial situation.

10 tips to managing a house hold budget | woman sitting on a bench drinking coffee with notebooks on her lap

A budget is a plan for YOU to tell your money where to go…rather than your money bossing you around. In order for that to happen you need to establish a budget based on your income and your spending


These 8 steps will help you figure out how to save and spend your money so you can live a wealthy lifestyle - no matter how old you are. 
It's a game changer.

Even if....
You aren't making 6 figures!
You didn't win the lottery!
You didn't inherit any money!

8 Steps to Financial Freedom

LEARN HOW TO create wealth

Hey there! I'm Jane!

Welcome to Positively Jane and my little corner of the internet!

I'm an ex broke girl who figured out how to pay off debt, save money, and become financially free. 

And...during the process I learned how to live my best and joyful life!

Through the years, after a whole lot of trial and error, I have found things that I just LOVE. And, since I love them so much I thought you might to love them too. So...what are you waiting for?

Everyone has a            - right?




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