I just wrote a post titled ‘Positively Jane’s Year in Review’. That post explains how Positively Jane arrived on the scene. Why did Positively Jane begin, where it has been for the past year, and where is it going…maybe 🙂
As I was thinking about that post, I thought you might like to know who I am….really? Now, this is really a hard question for me to answer, because there are so many phases of me. I have evolved into who I am today…..with so many detours, potholes, and mistakes along the way it isn’t even funny. And totally mind boggling. I love full disclosure…..but, in the interest of not embarrassing anyone besides myself, I will need to be discreet 🙂
Because, as I mentioned, I was very independent. No one could tell me what to do. I knew it all. I had opinions about things I knew nothing about (does that happen to you too?) I wore what I wanted with no thought to what others thought. I said what I wanted with no thought to how others felt. I drank. Smoked. Partied. Thought I was living my life to the fullest. I thought I was having fun. I thought I had a bunch of friends. Does any of this resonate with you?
I (unconsciously) looked at what was around me. Society. Attitudes. People who had more money than me (never people who had less). Fancy cars. Decorated houses. Private schools. Decorators. Cleaning ladies. Believe it or not, I remember that commercials were a major influence in my life. Not like ‘buy the car, get the girl’ but more like furniture and decorating commercials. I WANTED.IT.ALL. At the time I had NO idea that I was in this trap of things. This trap of me. This trap of selfishness. If I gave it any thought (which I did not) I would have said….
I was the mom of 2 step-children and 2 biological children. A husband who travelled 5 days a week. A household to run. Overweight. I was frustrated. Angry. Irritated. And just plain tired of the whole struggle. Looking back I am wondering if I had any idea that it was an empty life or if it was even a struggle – I don’t think I did…. I am just not sure.
At one point, at about the age of 48, I thought that if I had a million dollars ALL of my problems would go away. So I went to work to earn my millions. Little did I know that the lack of money was not the problem – the problem was inside of me in a deeper way. I had a longing in me that had nothing to do with anything this earth could fulfill. A longing in me that was put there by God. It was during that time I literally bumped heads with Jesus… hard
But, seriously, who really cared. Certainly not me. I didn’t need Jesus. And read the Bible? What was the point of that? It was a book that was over 2000 years old (and put together by men) and I was a 20th Century girl……thank you very much.
But, for some crazy unknown reason, I felt this pull to learn more. Know more. Figure out more.
And I remember at one point during the learning and the listening process thinking… maybe there is a better way. Maybe I don’t have to live this way. Maybe I don’t have to strive or pretend anymore. Maybe there are rules out there that I can adhere to. Rules that don’t bend and change with the wind depending on culture, society and the opinions of others.
I listened to women who had gone through major life shattering changes and came out on the other side calm and peaceful – unlike anything I had ever seen before.
Women who worried less.
Women who trusted more.
Women who loved more.
Women who forgave quickly.
Women who saw things through eyes that were totally different than mine.
Women who didn’t have it ‘all together’ but knew where their value and worth came from.
Women who knew where to find the answers to most of their questions.
Women who leaned into others for support and were willing to admit that they needed help.
I realized that I WANTED what those women had. I wanted to feel Valued. Loved. Worthy. I wanted my answers to be straight, true, and never changing. And, I also realized that none of my questions really mattered.
There is no way I can explain to you (on paper) the change. The complete and total turnaround of my life
I also realized that it did not matter that I had 50 years of ‘mistakes’ under my belt. I was definitely a sinner in need of a savior. Those mistakes (aka sins) were forgiven at the cross. And, get this – I found out that not only were my past sins forgiven BUT my present and future as well. Well holy moly!
Jane is a combination of her past life, with all of her baggage and mistakes, PLUS the holiness of God with His grace and forgiveness. She is worthy. She is loved. She is forgiven. She is redeemed. She is valued.
She is a child of God.
She is a princess.
I am a different person now than I was before. Not just different because I am older. I am different because I now look through a new AND clear pair of glasses. My lens has shifted from my thoughts to God’s thoughts…. And now to YOU!
I write blog posts, for you, from the depths of who I am now and who I was before. I have looked in the mirror and either didn’t like what I saw or chose to ignore what I saw. I now KNOW for a fact that God loves me. He created me. He knew me before I was born. And I totally believe that – I AM chosen. I AM loved. I AM worthy. I AM valued. I AM enough. I AM exactly as I am supposed to be. I AM who He says I am.
Wouldn’t you like to know that too?
Here are the lyrics of one of my most favorite songs (by Hillsong United) –
Who am I that the highest King
Would welcome me?
I was lost but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me
Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I'm a child of God
Yes I am
Free at last, He has ransomed me
His grace runs deep
While I was a slave to sin
Jesus died for me
Yes He died for me
Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I'm a child of God
Yes I am
In my Father's house
There's a place for me
I'm a child of God
Yes I am
I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am
And, in case you want to listen to it (because it is so dang beautiful) – here it is.
Thanks so much for reading to the bottom of this post. Thanks for hanging out with me. I am so looking forward to my 2nd year of ‘Positively Jane’.
I declare victory over all.the.things. I am an overcomer…no longer a victim. I am living a victorious life. Wouldn’t you like to live In victory too?
I fell off of a dune buggy that was cruising the shore line of the ocean. I was fully clothed….including my ‘to the knee’ cowboy boots. I fell asleep with those clothes (and boots) on and, when I woke up I realized that those boots had shrunk. I could NOT get them off. So, I had to go to the hospital and get them cut off with a cast saw. Only me!