Are you a list maker? If you are, do you make lists of your goals? Long term, short term or immediate?
Me? I am a big time list maker for sure. Now that I am old…er my goals have changed quite a bit. Right now I am focused on my health, not losing strength, keeping my balance…and all of the old…er people goals that go along with that.
I also have business goals. Family goals. And of course, my daily goals.
But, what if I told you that your goal list can also include things that you already have? That you CAN want what you already have. Would you think I was crazy?
Let's dig a little deeper – When was the last time that you made a list for your LIFE? Your goals. Dreams. Aspirations. Do you want to get married? Have kids? Be your own boss? Own a house? Go to the Academy Awards? BIG things.
I recently listened to an episode of the ‘Life School Podcast’ (it is episode #3). Brooke Castillo tells you to make a list of 25 things you want. There Is ONLY 1 rule – every other thing on your list needs to be something that you already have/own. So 12/13 things you have. And 12/13 things you would like to have.
The thought process behind this totally amazed me. Most people only allow themselves to want from a place of scarcity. Scarcity comes from a place of worry and not having. Worry that you will not have. All of your energy goes into and reminds you of what you do NOT have.
So, the 1st step is to remind yourself what you do have.
My husband and I would always make lists.
We NEVER included things that we already had. I totally believe that this would have been a game changer for us when we were younger.
You are now living in a place of gratitude rather than a place of unfulfillment or wanting.
You are also living in an area of DESIRE. Desire to keep those things. Rather than focusing ALL of your energies to achieve & acquire new…you put half of your energy into keeping what you already have and still desire. Hence, wanting from a place of abundance.
This is a total game changer for a marriage. How about, once you find your spouse, you change your want from ‘find a spouse’ TO ‘keeping my spouse’. 1/2 of your energy is now focused on keeping. You don't lose your desire for what you already have. And your desire remains a focus.
Or what about when you buy a house. Your want changes from ‘buy a home’ TO ‘keep my home.’ You will make sure that nothing happens for you to lose your home. Your priorities will shift and move into a new focus.
Brooke said ‘If we listen to our desires, they will lead us to a life where we feel the most alive.‘ Since feeling alive and living a life of victory are my life’s goals this really hit home with me. Choosing Joy…everyday. Joy comes from within. From your mindset. Focusing on what you have….not always on what you need or want.
I would like to encourage you to write down 30 things (or more). Every other item needs to be something that you already have.
Do NOT listen to the ‘that will never happen' side of your mind. If you want to earn a million dollars…write it down. If you want to travel to every country in the world…write it down. Dreaming big ignites a feeling of being alive. It ignites energy. Even If you think it is impossible…write it down.
Need some help? A reminder? The download includes a place for you to create your list. It is part of my Joyful Living Tool Box. You don't want to miss this one!
Here are a few examples from my own goals for life list:
The odd numbers are my haves….my wanting from a place of abundance. The even numbers are my goals/dreams.
I will pay as much attention to what I have as I do to my wants/dreams. I want to keep what I have. I also want to feel successful in my wants/goals. I will remember the blessings and what I have.
BTW – this episode of the Life School Podcast is not in iTunes. You can find Episode #3: How to set goals’ right here.