Right now, at this exact very moment, we are in the middle of a pandemic of epic proportions. Many states are in lockdown. California, Washington and New York are the 3 highest states with the Coronavirus aka: Covid-19. The death toll is rising and it is all very crushing and mind boggling. Do you feel the same?
I could certainly dwell on all this craziness and all of the things that are wrong and be justified. Right? I could dwell on all the things that are not being handled correctly (in my humble opinion), all the things that we need or or are missing. I could dwell on the death toll and all of the families that are facing unimaginable pain. Instead, I choose to see the good in the situation and focus on the positive. Because there is always good and positive. No matter what is going on. I also choose to look up and lean closer into my Heavenly Father more than I ever have in my whole life.
Now, you may or may not know, but I live in the middle of cow country. Lots of cows…not many people. As a result, my actual witnessing of the behavior of people is limited. PLUS, I avoid the news completely (great way to reduce stress).
The little bit of news that does get through to me is amazing because I choose to read the good.
People are making masks for nursing homes and other high risk areas. Working together to find patterns, fabric and elastic. And then finding creative solutions for a substitute of elastic (which is non-existent).
Doctors, nurses and health care workers are working around the clock to take care of the sick. They leave their own families and put themselves at risk every day – for you and for me. When they get home they strip down in isolated rooms of their homes, shower and quarantine themselves from the rest of their families.
Grocery store employees are working at night to refill the shelves so that WE have food and supplies to purchase. They patiently wait for us to check out in the morning.
Truck drivers are waiting in long lines so they can fill their trucks, even though their normal schedules are all messed up, so they can deliver all the supplies to our grocery stores and pharmacies.
Organizations are paying employees even though they are not working….and not making any money themselves.
Card makers are tirelessly making cards to send to, not only their family and friends, but to local businesses and nursing homes thanking them for their efforts.
Mom’s, dads and grandparents are thinking outside the box trying to keep their little (and big ones) entertained.
Beer brewing companies are switching their brews from beer to hand sanitizer.
Strangers are delivering meals to shut-ins. People who are very high risk and can’t go anywhere for 8-12 weeks.
Restaurants are offering take out and delivery.
People are volunteering to work at nursing homes to help the elderly get through all of this.
Our government is stepping in and offering assistance.
Families are together. More than ever before. After the initial struggle of now what?….they are having fun just being together.
What ones did I miss? Let me know in the comments below.
Are you keeping busy? Finding things to do like cleaning a closet, pantry or maybe even your garage.
Masks for friends to put over his N95 mask
10 prayers that you can print out (multiple sizes) and pray – FREE
Mailed 100 cards to my family and friends
If you would like me to mail you a card, send an email to: hello@positivelyjane.net
I want to leave you with this – in a world that is so uncertain right now choose to find the positive. Shift your focus. Think you can do this? You will be amazed at how this will help you in all areas of your life right now. One baby step at a time.
From helping to keep you calm and not getting stressed out to not becoming an emotional eater. It is amazing what happens when your focus is shifted from the negative and scary things you see to the awesome and good.
I want to take this time to thank everyone who are stepping up and helping. I am praying for those who are ill or are at a high risk for contracting the virus. Actually… I am praying for all of us.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home.