Recently I discovered the world of mini scrapbooks (a post for another day). During that discovery I found Ali Edwards. Ali has a year-long work shop called ‘One Little Word’.
This is directly from Ali’s website:
‘What is One Little Word®?
In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word to focus on, to live with, to investigate, to write about, to craft with, and to reflect upon as I go about my daily life. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another—a process I document via simple creative monthly prompts from January to December.’
I watched Ali’s video and was hooked. So, in Jane fashion, I bought ALL the supplies and then chose my word. And then I chose another word. And then I chose another word….who knew that choosing ONE word would be so difficult! Since I am older, I kept thinking that I needed to make my word count….because I might not have many years left to choose words and I wanted to make ‘this word’ count. I know – that is really weird.
Anyway…..back to my word. I finally decided on FOCUS.
Why focus? Well, as a creative, my mind Is continually coming up with new ideas. For posts. For cards. For Cricut making. For life. I am like a car with a faulty steering wheel…and I just can’t stay the course. Now, don’t get me wrong…there is nothing wrong with a little deviation or detour. Only, for me, I keep ‘recalculating’. Does this happen to you as well?
I make lists. And then more lists. I cross things off my lists. I consolidate my lists. I categorize my lists. My desk is a pile of lists. Yes, I do get things done….probably a lot of things done….but were those items the best use of the available time that I had….at that moment? Maybe…maybe not.
So, I am going to FOCUS in 2020. I plan on journaling the journey. AND create a mini-scrapbook. I hope ad pray that as I travel down this road, I will have great insights and thoughts that I can share with all of you.
Would you like to join me? Choose your own word? Journal with me? If you do – check out Ali’s website. (BTW, I am NOT getting paid for this – I just love it so much I wanted to share it with you too).
My daughter, Nicole, and daughter-in-law, Sydney have chosen their little words. In fact, they have each asked for the scrapbook and beginning supplies for their birthdays.
Lastly, what word would you like to focus (see, a great word!) on this year?
I posted a video on YouTube about my ‘One Little Word’ – watch below. (this is the real me 🙂