Someone once said to me ‘How bad do you really want it?’ I have no idea who or in what context it was said. But it came back to me the other day as I was addressing me and my life. In particular my health. Which includes my weight, exercise, vitamins, food intake, time with Jesus, what I wear and what I do.
Yup – all of those things come under the topic of ‘My Health’,
When I was younger I never gave any of that a 2nd thought. In fact…I never gave any of it a 1st thought. I was busy doing life as a 20 year old, 30 year old, 40 year old, 50 year old…and now soon to be a 70 year old.
I have limited years left. I can’t change the past…but I can change the present and the future. It is not too late. It is never too late.
Have you ever wondered why an old…er person walked so slow? Or seemed to lose their balance a lot? Or gained weight every year? Or took so many pills everyday?
I used to always wonder about that. And now I know why…we just stop doing.
– I have no idea when I stopped jumping. Or hiking. Or eating salads instead of cookies. Or wearing cute stylish clothes rather than shopping for clothes that hide the bulges.
– I have no idea when I stopped leaving the house (well, I think Covid did that to me)…to the point that I stay in pjs all day with my hair sticking straight out.
– I have no idea when I stopped sitting in my chair with my Bible and cup of tea.
– I have no idea when phone calls became chores or maintaining friendships got moved to the back burners of my life to be totally forgotten.
As we age we become less active which means weight gain and less mobility. Body parts seem to slow down so meds are needed to keep those same parts moving. And round and round and round it goes.
We slow down. Relationships take effort that we just don’t have anymore. Shopping brings out what we don’t like about ourselves…so we just don’t shop anymore.
We know it all…but head knowledge is different from heart knowledge.
Knowing is different than doing
Wanting is different than doing.
In fact, our wants might just be wishes. Things we wish we would do…but don’t.
So, when I think about me and my health, I make a list. Things that I want to do EVERYDAY. Here is my list:
⏰ Drink my Athletic Greens 1st thing in the morning.
⏰ Followed by 16 ounces of water with my Waterdrop electrolyte.
⏰ Next up is coffee (or tea) and quiet time with Jesus. In my fave chair with no distractions.
⏰ Breakfast bar 1 hour after I wake up. Followed by another 16 ounces of water with my Waterdrop Microdrink.
⏰ Take my vitamins and minerals that I need for hand and leg cramping.
⏰ Wall Yoga or P.volve for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Walk 20 minutes a day 2 days a week.
⏰ Take a shower and get dressed (including make-up) 6 days a week.
⏰ Begin again, and stay on, my Optavia program until I lose my desired weight. And once I get there…figure out how to stay there. No more yoyoing back and forth. Cookies are NOT my friend.
I also think…what the heck Jane – that list is nothing. There are only 8 things on it. What is your deal?
I know that if I did ALL of that my health would improve. I would feel better about myself. My clothes would fit better. My hand cramps would subside. My balance would improve. So much would change in my life.
And then, I wake up the next morning, with the best of intentions, and for some unknown reason, I don’t even begin. Or, I begin and slide after an hour. Or I begin and it lasts 5 days.
Does this happen to you too?
Do you wonder…why am I only wishing…and not wanting? Why is the want not strong enough for the doing? Why am I stuck in a wanting vs wishing mentality?
I wonder about that all the time.
I can make a list of crafts that I want to do and get it done. I can make a list of vacations I want to go on and book them.
Now, I wish I could end this post with a ‘Just make up your mind and do it’ statement. But I can’t. Because I have tried and failed more times than I can count.
I can’t seem to consistently stay on a program that will change my health…for the better.
And I just don’t know what it is. If you have any insights for me I would really appreciate them. Something needs to change…and soon.
I will end with this…I took my list from above and made a checklist. I will print out 10 (there are 4 days on a page). I am committing to ONE month of consistency…knowing that life happens and nothing is 100%. AND knowing that, just because I slipped up does not mean that it’s over. I am not a failure. I am just the way God wants me to be…I just need to listen to the Holy Spirit more. He speaks the truth. And guess what…the truth will set me free (literally)!
I am physically typing this post on November 14, 2022. If I remember, I would like to update it and let you know how I am doing. Would you like to be my accountability partner? Would you like to join me with your own checklist? Would you like to participate in an email correspondence with a group of like-minded people?
It doesn't matter what is on your list. It belongs to you. If you would like to participate in some way click the button below. I will then figure out what we can do…together.
Joyful Living is ALL about not letting let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are. You learn to choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!
To begin, go ahead and read: