We all get older. In fact, we age every single minute of every single day. And, as you know, we don’t notice it. It’s like watching grass grow…one day it’s short and the next it needs to be mowed again.
But, when you get older it seems to come faster and faster until, one day, you look in the mirror and wonder who that person is. That old person.
Now, I am not bashing old age. Not one bit. I am so grateful that God has given me the chance to age. I know way too many people who have not had that privilege.
I am only bringing this to your attention because lately it has been in the forefront of my mind. When I began blogging 3 years ago I had pictures taken…and when I look at those pictures from then, and compare them to now….I see a world of difference in how I look. More wrinkles. Drier and saggier skin. Weird eyebrows. Saggy eyelids.
Not only is the outside of my body changing…but the inside of my body is changing too. I am stiffer. It takes me longer to get moving in the morning. I can’t walk as fast as I used to walk.
I don't know if my thoughts get lost because I have way too many tabs open in my mind…or I just forget things. Last month I found the Christmas presents that I misplaced from 2020!
As all of this is happening to me I wonder a few things:
Because aging in today’s world is not an easy thing to do. So many people I know get Botox. Or boob jobs. Or their fat sucked out. Or chemical peels…all in the interest of looking younger longer. Me? I am not really interested in looking younger…I am interested in maintaining what little I have left so that I don't lose that too!
I am also trying to NOT be over critical about me and what I see. I am the way I am and I am hoping I can embrace this whole process in a graceful manner. I look at my mom and am so grateful that she is still here on this earth..gray hair and wrinkles included!
I switched to non-toxic all natural skin care 2 years ago and I definitely see and feel the difference. I love Primally Pure – here is a look at my fave products. Use the code PJ10 and get 10% off.
I moved to non-toxic cleaning and laundry products about 3 years ago. I happen to love Branch Basics and Get Clean People (I love their laundry sheets – no more plastic bottles and landfill pile ups).
I drink Athletic Greens every day. This is one product I wish I started years ago.
I also use Collagen every day too. There are many good ones. I drink Vital Proteins unflavored.
I switched to coffee that has no mold and is not chemical laden. I love Fabula – the medium roast is my fave. I don't have coffee acid or the jitters either! (Plus, read up on what they do to coffee…you will shocked. And this is one thing that is easy to change).
First up – I decided to lose those 25 pounds that ‘creeped up' on me without me knowing it. Nope. That is a total fabrication. The pounds did not creep up and I know where they came from. Uninhibited eating – anything and everything with no thought to what I put in my mouth. That had to stop. I decided to lose them the Optavia way. I lost 24 #'s…gained back 2. And now I am settling into a rhythm so that in January I can lose 7 more. Optavia uses coaches to help you out. Find a good one. I like Megan. She is my coach.
Second – I got out my p.volve exercise equipment and talked to trainer via zoom. She showed me where to start and what to do. I also found out that seniors get 30% off all equipment AND the monthly streaming programs. Gotta love 30% off! Make sure you get your discount if you are a senior.
Third – I am diligent in taking my vitamins, collagen and Athletic Greens every day.
Fourth – My goal is to drink 100 ounces of water a day. And yes….I do pee a lot at night 🙂
Fifth – I actually got my eyebrows micro-bladed. If you aren't familiar with that term… in a nutshell, I had my eyebrows tattooed on. Yup. Tattoos on my face. I was very nervous about the whole process. You can read about that right here: Micro-Blading is Not For Sissies.
My eyebrows are thin and sparse and many of the hairs are gray, thick and stick straight out (see what I mean about the aging process). Even when I penciled them in they were not right. I love them now!
Getting my eyebrows done is as close as I will ever get to changing anything in an artificial manner. Well…again that is another untruth. I do color my hair now. Thinking of NOT doing that in the near future too. Stay tuned on that one!
Or do you still consider yourself young? My husband always says that ‘Getting older ain't for sissies'. And yes, it does take a strong person to look in the mirror and like what they see.
Find what works for you…and the sooner you start the better you will be!
BTW – My granddaughter uses Dyper.com for her diapers. No harsh chemicals including no bleach.
P.S. Affiliate links may be used at no additional cost to you.
Joyful Living is ALL about not letting let the circumstances of YOUR life determine who you really are. You learn to choose YOU instead! Not sure how to do that? Let me help!
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