Money. Freedom.
We know what those 2 words mean, right? But, when you add them together…what does that really mean?
What is financial freedom?
Well…you tell me. When you think of those 2 words together what comes to mind?
Is it –
Or is it –
Or is it –
As you can see…there are so many different aspects to financial freedom. It is a personal definition. You pick. You decide.
Take a look at all of those definitions. They all have a few things in common:
1. They are all dreams and goals. Things you think. Things you crave. Things you desire. Things you reach out for…but just can't seem to grasp. And 2. We all want it. Only few reach it.
Why is that?
Because it takes effort on our part. It requires a plan. It requires a change. Sometimes big changes. And we just hate change, don't we?
Our lives are filled with habits. Your life is filled with habits. The habit of driving – you get in and go. No thought involved except your destination. The habit of loading the dishwasher. No thought, you just do it. The habit of brushing your teeth. The habit of checking your email or your Instagram. No thought, you just do it.
The same is with your money. It comes in and it goes out. When it comes in you pay the bills and then you spend what is leftover. And, if I asked you if you had an extra $100 leftover you would probably tell me NO way. You would tell me that you were maxed out! You don't even have 2 pennies to rub together.
I get that – I used to think that way too.
I had dreams of island vacations, new furniture in the living room, and manicures every week. But there was no extra money. So, I just dreamed.
And then one day…about 20 years ago I had a financial wake-up call. I could only see a 2 room tent and Alpo for dinner in my future…and I got scared. I decided, then and there, I would find money and pay off debt. And, after we were debt-free, I would save and save and save some more.
I went to work and it all happened. I paid off debt and saved thousands and thousands! And these thousands came from a budget that did not have an extra $100! I found money I didn't even know I had. I found extra money.
I cut back on ALL non-essentials. I cut out eating out. And, I sold things. The money was more important than the things…because I really don't like sleeping in tents and I definitely didn't want to eat dog food for dinner!
And this is why you can't reach your financial freedom. Because:
But, when you look at that list…every single thing…and I mean ALL of them are within YOUR control. YOU get to decide and make the changes. Those dreams CAN become realities.
Take a minute and grab the ‘My Financial Freedom‘ worksheet. This worksheet will help you get hyper focused on what financial freedom means to you AND it will help you figure out how to make that dream a reality.
Don't wait until it's too late. Your future self will thank you. And, that is a fact.
Click the button below…and then it's all yours.
Happy dreaming and planning!