January just flew by don’t you think?!
I planned on using the winter months (January, February and March) to get it ALL done! I wanted to clear my plate so to speak. Catch up on crafting backlog (I call it crafting stress), organize my pantry, get my Craft Room Organization Course finished (YES! a course will be coming soon!), and a bunch of other things as well. So, what in the heck happened to January? Do you feel the same or is it just me?
Now, in case you don’t know, I recently discovered Ali Edwards’ One Little Word project and fell in love. I chose the word ‘Focus’. Because Focus + Jane ≠ Peace. Why? Because that means that I will NOT get it ALL done. That means that my lists are not complete. That means that I have to really drill down and figure out the priorities, which for some crazy reason, is so hard for me, because everything seems like a priority to me! Is this hard for you too? Or easy?
Through the month of January I kept a journal of sorts. I tried to lean into my word every day mentally and write down the highlights when I had time. Because I know for a fact that unless things are written down I would forget!
I realized that I have 3 priorities: Family, Self and Business. I like that. Only 3. Seemed simple enough right?
Not so much. What happens to all the other things? Like my pantry? Or my laundry? Or my emails?
Focusing… on focus is completely different than the reality of the word. I can set my priorities. Choose my top 3 tasks (love my new planner from Full Focus Planner) and then totally deviate and go in a different direction. Is that a bad thing? Or even a thing at all? I am just not sure. Does this happen to you too? Does this even make any sense to you?
I know for a fact that I am a list maker. I also know that I love lists. I am coming to realize that the lists should not be the driving force in my life. But, how do I let that go without the stress level of my life taking control? What happens to all the things? I have always been a doer. I have always accomplished more in a day than most people do in a week.
How about you…..do you like lists? Or hate them? Do you focus on tasks and not rest until get you them done? Or is it ok with you if they all (or some) wait until tomorrow….or the next day or even next month. Let me know!
I asked myself a few questions in January – (and really did not come up with many answers):
Choosing a word, thinking about it, prioritizing that word and then making change…..it sounds so easy doesn’t it? I thought so too! But, alas, it is NOT!
So, in February, I am going to continue to focus on me. I am eating much better (following the Phit-n-Phat program which I LOVE). Weight loss will be slow. For once in my adult life that is just ok. I will continue to eat when I am hungry, stop when I am satisfied, drink water and get sleep. It really is that easy…. most days.
I also realized that my business is all consuming so I just need to choose the top 3 priorities there as well and run with those. And, if time allows, focus on the other tasks for the day, week or month. The rest isn’t going anywhere – they will all be there when I get back to it.
I have also realized that I love writing blog posts for YOU. You are my #1 focus in my business.
I am looking forward to February and the journey that the word takes me on. I have included a video where I explain my thought process and show you my scrapbooking for this month. I am looking forward to learning how to use all the scrapbooking supplies in a more creative manner! Enjoy!
The video link is above
Drop me a note: hello@positivelyjane.net or comment below. What are you working on right now? Anything at all? How is it all going for you? Are your tasks overwhelming you? Are you struggling with getting anything accomplished at all? Let me know how I can help!