Financial Mistakes *Most* women Make

(and how to avoid them)


In this FREE Masterclass, you'll learn:

What action plan to put into place - An action plan for each mistake is included. When learning new things, the magic happens in the action. Otherwise it is just a hope or a dream. Your action plans will help you get from where you are where you want to be in the future!

The top financial mistakes most women make - Simply put, everyone makes financial mistakes without knowing in. In this case, knowledge is power. Because once you know you can make changes and stop the mistakes.

How to process the mistakes through your own lens of life - Everyone's finances are different and you are no exception. You may or may not have debt. You may or may not have a fat savings account. But, no matter where you are, awareness helps you overcome that financial stress so you can find your financial freedom and joy!

Fast track your financial freedom with awareness and an action plan. With your plan in hand you are on your way to less stress and more joy.


You think the word 'budget' is a 4 letter word.

You know you need to do something about your money but have no idea where to start.

Your honey handles all the big things and you are NO idea where the important documents or passwords are.

You use retail shopping as therapy.

You want to get your money under control but don't know where to start.

You're in the right place

This Training is MUST attend if...

Hi, I'm Jane Shine.

I'm a recovering broke girl who made every financial mistake in the book. I went from broke and in debt up to my eyeballs, to living my dream life...with money that works for me...without me working at all.

I've been there ...

It's time to stop making mistakes. It's time to create a plan

Whatever income we made...I spent. My husband set aside a bit of money in work retirement plans...I set aside none. Because I never thought about getting old...I would be forever young, right? (Me and Rod)

As our income increased so did your lifestyle. Bigger homes. Newer cars. Updated furniture.

We made every financial mistake in the book...and then some more...and we were in financial trouble. Big trouble.

At one point, at the age of 48, I was reading a book on money management. I got to the part that said that many people, when they retire, are so broke that they can only afford Alpo (dog food) to eat. I sat on that sofa and sobbed. Dog food? WHAT?!

That was my wake up call. I went to work. I made a plan. I established a strict budget. I paid off about $100,000 in debt. And I saved and saved and saved some more. I wanted to be the queen of cash!

Currently our money is working for us. My husband is retired and our investments pay us every month without either of us having to work one minute! (well...maybe not my husband.)

I share all of this for a reason.

I share all of this for a reason.

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