I realize that Mother's Day might be a tough day for you. For many and various reasons. And, my heart aches for you if that is the case. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to not have a reason to rejoice and celebrate Mother's Day. And that is pretty sad for sure.
As for me? I have many, many reasons to celebrate Mother's Day this year. I love this day of the year. Why?
1). I have a great mom
2). I just became a grandma again
3). I have great kids
My mom is fun to be around. Even when I was a kid. She planned the parties (I remember a Pink Lemonade Birthday Party). We made forts. She baked cookies 🙂 We went shopping together. She taught me to knit and sew. She turned a blind eye (always good for a teenager looking to get into trouble, right?). We have been close for my whole life of 67 years.
I overheard her the other day saying that she never thought she would live this long. I wonder what she did think…I forgot to ask. Just last week we celebrated her birthday with as many of the local family members that were available. And it was a fun, fun day!
You see, mom had a stroke in December. She spent 4 weeks in inpatient rehab. And then was released to live with my sister, Suzi. Suzi and mom had built a house together which included a suite for mom. Bedroom, bathroom and living room. It was on one side of the house away from the main living areas.
When mom came home from the rehab she was totally dependent. Could not do anything at all. We hired caregivers to work 7 days a week for 12 hours a day. It was heartbreaking for all of us. We could see glimpses of the ‘before stroke mom' and wondered if she would ever get better and recover.
She has spent 6 hours a week in rehab. Physical Therapy. Speech Therapy. Occupational Therapy. She does her homework and exercises every day. She has been determined to get better.
The wheelchair is gathering dust because she uses a walker now. Except for putting on her shoes and socks and making meals, she has become pretty independent. Her thought process is still a bit wonky at times….I told her that mine is wonky all the time and to NOT feel alone. We have been able to cut back on our caregiver's hours, which is a total blessing too.
No one knows how much longer mom will be on this earth so it is a blessing to spend the time we have with her right now!
My youngest daughter, Nicole (who said she hated kids and would never have any), had a baby on March 10th, Eleanor Jane. I was able to spend about 3 weeks with the new parents. Grocery shopping, making meals, picking up the house, doing dishes…all the usual things that a new mom does NOT need to be focusing on. Check out the post: Are You a Grandma Helping a New Mom for a few other insights on how to help a new mom. Being a Mom is a good read too.
I also had a chance to relish in the sweet moments of snuggles, bottle feeding, and middle of the night burping. (One of the most amazing things about being a grandma is the fact that I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night for a few weeks…because I know I will go home soon and get a good night's rest 🙂
I was really missing Eleanor when I got home. Nicole has sent daily videos and pictures so I could envelope myself in her sweetness. PLUS they all were able to come to my mom's birthday party. A highlight for everyone!
Now, If you have not read Eleanor's birth story you MUST! It is definitely one for the history books. Check it out: Eleanor Jane's Birth Story. PLUS, in case you would like to read Eleanors 1 month recap post (pictures PLUS the ins and outs of new parents) check it out too: One Month of Eleanor Jane
My kids are great and I love them all so much. For most of us moms, there is something about the love of our kids that is all consuming and overwhelming. My kids call me. They write to me. They check up on me. They are thoughtful and kind. I love having them around and I believe they love having me around.
We laugh together and enjoy each other's company. I am so happy that I am a mom.
I hope it is a good day for you. If not, know that I am praying for your peace and contentment.
I have so many reasons to love Mother's Day. But, the main reason is the love that I feel from my family. It is all encompassing and sometimes overwhelming. Something I hope to NEVER take for granted!
In the meantime, here are the photos from Mom's birthday party. PLUS a few photos of sweet Eleanor.