Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard, probably multiple times, that setting goals is a must.
Now, there are long term goals. Like how much money you would like to have when you retire, the path you need to take to have your career end up where you think it should be, how many children you would like to have, and all the stuff in between. Long term goal setting is great.
(Before I forget…please don't forget to want what you already have. No idea what I mean – go on and read about it HERE).
Back to goals…and then there are short term goals. Maybe that means saving for a vacation that you want to take next year or letting your hair grow so you can have a new style, a new skin care routine so you can eliminate those fine lines…and all the stuff in between. Short term goal setting is great.
…it's really easy to take a piece of paper, notebook or grab your computer and write down your list of goals. What is difficult for most of us, is the implementation. Long term goals are harder because, well, they are long term. Staying focused and on task can be all consuming. So, as a result, life happens and they get forgotten.
Same thing happens with your short term goals, right?
So today, I want to talk about VERY short term goals. Daily goals. Your to-do lists. Everything you would LIKE to do everyday in an ideal world. Start thinking about what you would like to do EVERYDAY. Would you like to exercise, drink more water, or monitor your food intake.
Maybe you would like to knock out the errands on one day so you can stay home the next. Maybe going to the grocery store once a week is enough for you…so you need to organize your meal planning.
As a busy woman I am sure your to-do lists are as long as your arm. Well, at least mine are (I cross off one thing only to find out that they multiplied while I wasn't looking). What I like to do is have a master to-do list. It is on my computer. I use the Todoist app. Notes on your phone would work. A journal, google doc, pad of paper…whatever is best for you. Make sure it is accessible and easy to find when you need to add to it.
Separate your list into categories if you can. Like: home, school, errands, home maintenance, kids, husband, self, etc. You can put due dates if you have them. Due dates help ensure that nothing gets missed or forgotten.
The next step is to look at your master list and figure out A). What must be done (by due date) B). What you would like to do and C). What you feel like doing. Aside from the A (the musts) what you would like to do and what you feel like doing are separate things, am I right?!
Then set your top THREE priorities. Those are the ‘Gotta get these done today come hell or high water' priorities. Kids need supplies for school, NOTHING for dinner, you need to get your nails done before you bite them all off..pick your top 3.
Start your day off with what you are grateful for. Thankfulness and gratitude go a long way towards joyful living. Need a quote – I got tons of quotes for you HERE and HERE.
Plan your meals ahead of time so you don't overeat. Or record what you did eat so you can keep track. And, don't forget to drink your water!
We all want to exercise every day. Most of us do not. So, if you did exercise record it and feel proud of yourself. Even if you only walked around the block…something is better than nothing.
Or you ate more than you planned? Or put your exercise clothes on but never stepped out of the house? You know…that is just ok. Rarely, and I mean very rarely, do I get everything done that I want to do or think I need to do. Sometimes I lack the motivation…but usually it is because something comes up. My daughter calls and we talk…about 5 times a day. My husband wants to show me something or go on a sunset cruise. Dinner took a bit longer to prepare than I thought. It was raining (me, errands and rain…are a no no). Sometimes my daily to-do list gets carried over until the next day.
Don't beat yourself. Give yourself some grace. Just look what you did not do, determine whether or not it should be on the list for tomorrow and move it there if you think it does. I have some things on my list that are gathering virtual dust…they have been on my to-do list for so long. I tell my husband that when they bubble up into the ‘gotta get it done' category…they will continue to gather dust. I am probably hoping that they never bubble up to the top!
Joyful Living is all about you choose YOU, rather than letting the circumstances of your life determine who you are. Completing a daily to-do list, in itself, will not create joy in you. But it sure can give you a sense of accomplishment, right?
By the way, the ‘Today's Plan', that you see is part of my Joyful Living Toolbox. Check it out for sure. Tons of great things just waiting for you!